
Add Google Calendar events to Apple Calendar

Open the Calendar app on your iPhone to find your Google Calendar events. To sync with an existing account, tap the account and turn on Calendars ...

Customize your Calendar on iPhone - Guidebooks

Google is here to help you with Google Calendar on your iPhone®. Explore tips and visual instructions on how to customize your Calendar.

Get started with Calendar on iPhone®

Google Calendar is easy to set up on your iPhone® device. You can personalize your calendar, create events, and sync your calendar across all your devices.

Get started with Google Calendar

Get Google Calendar. On your iPhone or iPad, visit the Google Calendar page from the App Store. Tap Get. Open the app and sign in with your Google Account.

Google Calendar vs. Apple Calendar

2023年9月7日 — The Google Calendar iPhone app offers a Today, 3-Day, Week, and Month view at all times. The thing is, Google Calendar's 3-Day and Week views ...

Google Calendar

Get the official Google Calendar app for your iPhone or iPad to save time and make the most of every day. • Different ways to view your calendar – quickly ...

Google Calendar

Get the official Google Calendar app for your iPhone or iPad to save time and make the most of every day. • Different ways to view your calendar - Quickly ...

Sync shared Google Calendars to your iOS device

Use a CalDAV account to sync all your Google Apps shared calendars on your iPhone or iPad. · Go to Settings on your iPhone and choose Mail, Contacts, Calendars.

如何讓Apple 和Google 行事曆雙向同步?2023最新教學

進到設定頁面後再往下滑,會看到「管理帳戶」的選單,點擊之後會進到Google 日曆帳戶管理頁面,把位於下排IPHONE 內的「iCloud」選項打開,這樣就完成同步設定了,非常簡單 ...


OpentheCalendarapponyouriPhonetofindyourGoogleCalendarevents.Tosyncwithanexistingaccount,taptheaccountandturnonCalendars ...,GoogleisheretohelpyouwithGoogleCalendaronyouriPhone®.ExploretipsandvisualinstructionsonhowtocustomizeyourCalendar.,GoogleCalendariseasytosetuponyouriPhone®device.Youcanpersonalizeyourcalendar,createevents,andsyncyourcalendaracrossallyourdevices.,GetGoogleCalendar.Onyouri...